About CZs
The term "CZ" translates to cubic zirconium (Aluminum Oxide). There are many qualities of stones available that lay claim to this name. Basically, the term refers to a lab grown cubic or crystal that is the hardest natural mineral next to a diamond.
High quality CZ's ranks in at an 8.5 hardness while the diamond reigns at the perfect 10! The highest quality CZ offers such a close resemblance to a diamond that it is hard to tell the difference. One difference is that CZ's weigh about 75% more than a diamond of the same size, so CZ's are measured in millimeters versus carats. Just like diamonds, high quality, well cut stones, make a huge difference in the final product. Amazingly, there are also fake CZ's!
Our CZ's are made from Corundum. This mineral is found naturally growing as a crystal. There are different qualities, of which many are opaque and used for abrasives. But the clear crystals are kept for gems. The crystals occur naturally as clear/colorless, pink, red, blue, green, yellow and violet. These crystals are used for making our range of CZ offerings. They are a great value!
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